What are the minimum specifications for personal computer laptops?


Starting in the Fall of 2020, Newark College of Engineering (NCE)* and Ying Wu College of Computing (YWCC) will require freshman and transfer students to have a personal laptop computer for use in and outside of the classroom. While this laptop requirement does not go into effect until next fall, we strongly recommend you purchase one this year, as some courses may operate under the assumption that you have this laptop.

For Fall 2019 / Spring 2020, NJIT has partnered with Lenovo to provide a discount on computers meeting or exceeding the specifications below. Students are responsible for ensuring their chosen computer meets or exceeds any requirements specific to their program.

For more information, please visit https://ist.njit.edu/student-computers-recommended-specs

 * Chemical Engineering students are required to purchase a specific laptop.

  • Last Updated Mar 05, 2021
  • Views 952
  • Answered By NJIT Librarians

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