How do I print from my mobile phone, tablet or laptop?

To print out a document from your mobile phone, tablet or laptop, follow these 3 easy steps:

1. Attach a pdf document you want to print to an email sent from your official NJIT email address, (YOUR_UCID@NJIT.EDU) and send the email & attachment to:


  • Email to print only accepts files in the pdf file format
  • Email to print is limited to documents of 25 pages or less.

2. You will receive an automated email reply from confirming that your document was received and containing a link that will put your document in the queue to be released. This link will remain active for 24 hours.

3. Finally, go to any of the Xerox printers located in the Van Houten Library, Littman Library or PC Mall and swipe your NJIT ID card to release your print job.

For assistance with using information technology services, please visit the Information Services & Technology webpage.


  • Last Updated Sep 04, 2019
  • Views 2403
  • Answered By NJIT Librarians

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